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During the consulting process, the technical areas and quality management of a company are analysed in detail in order to understand the processes and to recognise the potential for improvement.

Then, together with the customer, solutions are devised for how quality management and technical workflows can be designed to be lean and efficient and achieve high quality.

Existing quality management

A quality management system already exists and processes should be optimised. The desired aspects of quality management are analysed and evaluated. On this basis, recommendations and possible solutions are made to successfully improve the own processes.

Technical consultancy

The work processes of a company are determined. During the consultation an optimization of the documentation, the work processes and the quality of the product or result is worked out.

Development of a quality management system

When setting up a quality management system, a basic structure and a time schedule for achieving the objectives is worked out.

The consultation can show how to put the requirements of the guidelines into practice

During the development of the individual system, an evaluation, advice and new impulses can be given whenever necessary.

Planning a consultation

For a consultation, an individual package of measures is created for you.

For a tailor-made consulting, the first step is to precisely define the objectives and scope of the activity.

The advice can be given once or can accompany a company over a longer period of time. The advice can be used for the overall planning or step by step whenever a new stage has been reached.

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You can reach me by phone
+41 77 425 9153